

Enrolling new children in school begins with a meeting with parents on Open House, which takes place periodically throughout the school year, to familiarize you with the Montessori method. Enrollment takes place in the spring, after the re-enrollment of students this year. After the parents are notified about the places left available after re-enrollment, the child's meeting with the teacher takes place, to get to know us better and to determine if Montessori School of Bucharest meets the needs of all parties involved: the child, his family and the school.



The next step is to complete the registration file, which will contain:

Mandatory administrative documents:

  1. registration form
  2. partnership contract, which includes the clause of compliance with the internal rules of the school, presented in this guide
  3. copy of birth certificate
  4. CI copy of parents / legal guardians
  5. registration fee
  6. school tax

Compulsory educational documents:

  1. evaluation form from the kindergarten / school previously attended
  2. copy of the transcript from the school previously attended
  3. characterization of the child by the teacher from the kindergarten / school previously attended

If the child comes from another kindergarten / Montessori school, a detailed characterization and a list of presentations received by the child in that kindergarten / school is mandatory. Based on this detailed information, the teacher will observe the child in the first weeks of school and will provide feedback on your child's purchases in the first individual session.


Mandatory medical documents:

  1. medical consultation form completed by parents
  2. analysis bulletin requested by the medical office (pharyngeal exudate)
  3. epidemiological opinion for (re) entry into the community
  4. medical certificate for enrollment in the community
  5. vaccination form
  6. documents that were issued by the specialists for special needs of the child: speech therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, etc. These are vital for the school to be able to meet the real needs of the child. In the absence of these documents, when they are needed, the school cannot assume the child's progress.

Depending on the availability of places in the age group you want to enroll in, enrollment can be made at any time during the school year. To check this availability, please fill out the registration form.

Registration form

Depending on the availability of places in the age group you want to enroll in, enrollment can be made at any time during the school year. To check this availability, please fill out the registration form.