Montessori Kindergarten of Bucharest

Montessori Kindergarten of Bucharest (MKB) is the first Montessori kindergarten opened in Bucharest (in 2007) and has the mission to promote Montessori education at the highest level, respecting each child and encouraging him to develop at his own pace. own, cultivating his desire for knowledge outside of kindergarten.

Individual work with each child

The joy of learning

Montessori Kindergarten of Bucharest
Montessori School of Bucharest

Montessori School of Bucharest

Montessori School of Bucharest (MSB) opened in 2011, with a class for children aged 6-9. It was a natural growth and continuity for our children at Montessori Kindergarten of Bucharest. Education in a Montessori school corresponds to the specifics of the child's psychological development and Montessori materials ensure the child's natural transition from sensory exploration to abstract operation.

Assessment based on a qualitative analysis of children's performance

Joy of learning



Apreciem că la MKB, acomodarea se face prin crearea unei relații de încredere, în ritmul copilului. Apreciem joaca afară zilnic, activitățile și tot ce învață copiii, faptul că se pune preț la orice pas nou pe acordul și ritmul copilului, că ei, copiii, sunt tratați cu respect , că sunt învățați să își apere limitele personale

Valorile Montessori School of Bucharest

2024-2025 Admissions

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